Roll of Honour

Huntingdon Gymnastics Club would like to thank the following people. groups and organisations for supporting our efforts to raise the money required to build the new gym extension:

Grants and Donations:

 British Gymnastics 

Huntingdon Freemen 

Louis Smith (The Cube) 

Amey Cespa Community Fund

Cambridgeshire Horizons

Garfield Weston Foundation 


David Laing Foundation 

Paul Hall and Louis Smith (WWTBAM)

Rank Foundation 

Mr Aldwinckle 

Harry O'Driscoll

Ally Brennan Trust

Just Learning Nursery

Huntingdon Rotary Club

BID Huntingdon



Refurbishment of New Gym

Sport England Inspired Facilities 

Huntingdon Town Council 


Some equipment has been replaced by

Huntingdon Freemens

Friends of Huntingdon Gymnastics Club

UK Power Networks

Ramsey Rotary Club 

Huntingdon Cromwell Rotary Club